
Su-a on walking in celebration of her husband

Thursday 01 June 2023

Maggie's Edinburgh

I鈥檇 heard about Maggie鈥檚 for as long as I can remember. Many of my friends had had some contact with it. But the first time I went to visit Maggie鈥檚 myself was through my husband Gordon.

Meeting Gordon

I met Gordon just after he'd finished his treatment.

We started out by writing to each other online as he was about to embark on a 500-mile pilgrimage, the Camino de Santiago.

He was fundraising for Maggie鈥檚 and Cancer Research, and writing a blog of his journey. I would read that alongside emailing him.

He had been diagnosed with stage four melanoma, and been through significant treatment. His walk of the Camino was I think, really, a way of processing everything to do with him having such an advanced diagnosis.

Gordon鈥檚 diagnosis

After the Camino, we met in person. It was perfect.

But he soon went for further tests where the scans showed that the melanoma had got into his bones.

The first time I went to visit Maggie鈥檚 myself was after Gordon insisted I go because Maggie鈥檚 had been so helpful to him.

Right from the beginning, Andy at the centre was incredible. He鈥檚 so warm and open, and created such a relaxed atmosphere.

After that, I started going regularly, probably once a week. I continued to see Andy throughout Gordon鈥檚 illness and carried on for a year or two after his death.

The total time that we had together was only about a year and a half. But it was incredibly intense. And we married just six months before he died.

Maggie鈥檚 became even more helpful after Gordon鈥檚 death, in a way. Every time I went, I always came out feeling better. It became so important to have that outlet and support and someone who really understands.

Fundraising for Maggie鈥檚

The Camino was very important in our lives. Gordon even expressed it as a wish in his will for his two sons to do it. I knew that I would definitely do it.

After he died, I just wanted to plan it as soon as possible. I also wanted to fundraise for Maggie鈥檚 as Gordon had done when he did it.

I said to him in his last few hours, 鈥淏y the way, when I do the Camino, I鈥檓 going to beat your fundraising figure.鈥

In fact, I beat it as I was crossing a bridge to the starting point in France, and I had doubled it by the time I finished it 5 weeks later.

"I raised over 拢33,000 and I knew that Gordon would have been very proud."

I always think things happen for a reason; synchronicity and serendipity are very much part of my life.

Events and their meanings

So many things happen to me, the most important events in my life always have extra, powerful meanings. Things seem to sort of converge, in ways that are totally unplanned.

It only hit me when I got there, but the day that I first set foot on the pilgrimage was our exactly a year after we married.

The first of 500 miles I walked was on our first wedding anniversary. It was like someone had punched me in the stomach when I realised that.

I鈥檇 never really thought of the date, and I couldn鈥檛 have planned anything that was more meaningful than what I was doing.

This Camino was purely and absolutely at the heart of our relationship. And, all of that stuff, when it鈥檚 not planned and just happens, it really hits you.

It felt like I was being led, without realising it. I did feel constantly accompanied, and I still do. I do feel something like a presence. He鈥檚 very much looking out for me.

We're here for you

If you or someone you love has cancer, 夜色直播 is with you. 

Come and see us at your nearest Maggie鈥檚, call us on 0300 123 180 or email us at enquiries@maggies.org.

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